By Amy Lawrenson

I blame the weather. Last week I caught a horrible cold, you know the sort all streaming eyes, bunged up sinuses and a red raw nose from too much sneezing. My nose was so sore and dry and red I reached for anything in my bathroom that might soothe my stinging nostrils. Lanolips. Now I know the name nods to lips, but on the tube it states ‘Lanolips 101 Ointment has many uses – chapped lips, cuticles, dry nasal passages (bingo), dry and itchy skin & more’.

So I went to bed with a nose slathered in the ointment and when I woke up… nothing. No soreness, no dry scaly skin, no red Rudolph-esque nose, the cold was still there but my nose was restored in a mere 8 hours. The packaging may be pink, with a cute cartoon sheep on the tube but this product is miraculous.

Being the good friend I am, I passed my tube (reluctantly) to a friend who had a cold and was getting married – she had the same result, thankfully.

I’m a Lanolips convert. Buy this for your medicine cabinet, make-up bag, wash bag and friends – it’s a must.