So while she loves her beauty prods as much as the next gal, it’s the supplements, capsules and powders she travels with that she really thinks about, as well as the food she buys once she gets here (she’s even bought an extra-large rucksack to fill with fruit and veg from the market). I asked her to talk me through her glow-to regime:

Emergen-C Super Energy Booster, approx £12.99 for 36 sachets (

‘I take one or two of these 1,000mg Vitamin C powder sachets every day – it’s what all the models and actresses take to keep their skin in good condition.’

Acidophilus capsules [try Potent Acidophilus Capsules, £15.99 for 250 capsules, from Holland & Barrett]

‘I take these three times a day – they help keep my digestion in check, and that helps keep my skin clear and stops me bloating.’

Greens, greens and more greens!

Kale, spinach, rocket, watercress… Get as much green inside you as you can. I even take vegetable supplements when I’m travelling as a kind of antioxidant insurance, though you can’t beat the real thing. I make big salads [she’s throwing one together as we speak] and add protein – fish, feta cheese, chick peas or beans – and sprinkle it with seeds. And I put lemon juice and olive oil on everything – that’s your dressing. Full stop.


‘If you want your water-drinking efforts to show on your skin, you need to drink a lot of it. I average about three litres every day. I also add a green tea bag to the first bottle of the day – it’s an easy way to get extra antioxidants.’

Beetroot and carrot juice

It makes the whites of my eyes brighter.


I call it face-lift food as eating lots of it makes my skin visibly tighter and smoother. I usually buy fresh, wild salmon and grill it, but smoked salmon’s good, too.

Hot water and lemon

‘It’s an oldie but goodie. Drinking it first thing really sets the tone for the day – you’re more likely to want to follow up with something healthy than if you start the day with a cappuccino.’

 From Madonna to  Rihanna, click here to read more celebrity diet and fitness secrets...