By Joely Walker

Day two and time to tackle the beauty bag essential – the classic red lipstick. Now this presents me with a problem. Whenever I have dared to wear red lipstick in the past it was always at night and usually with a few glasses of wine on the horizon. I fear that by 3pm I will resemble the joker from Batman rather than Marylyn Monroe. But, like a daring new fashion trend, a bright lipstick works best when worn with confidence.

I asked the EBT to help me decide on a lipstick with a certain criteria in mind: 1. Staying power and 2. As low maintenance as possible. They suggested I try the new Maybelline Super Stay 14 Hour Lipstick in Ravishing Rouge £6.99. The texture of this lipstick is matte and therein lies the staying power. All I needed to keep looking groomed was one extra afternoon application after I’d eaten.

Result? A bold lipstick statement that made me feel quite glamorous for the day, complementing my black outfit and definitely an easy-to-wear option.

See which lipstick shade I tried on day one...