I love a glossy up-do as much as the next person but sometimes a cocktail dress (especially on a big night like New Year's Eve) requires something a little more low-key to balance the look. Which is where the Babyliss Wave Envy, £49.99 (boots.com), comes in handy.

It's kind of like a really modern crimping iron, that gives your hair a wavy look that's more Gisele than Cyndi Lauper. To ensure you avoid the eighties look, I recommend you go lightly - don't clamp your hair with too much force and you should get a pretty, loose wave. Also, start the wave from about two to three inches below your roots and don't crimp the ends. Be quite random with your waving and then tip your head upside down, spritz with salt spray and you'll have the perfect oh-my-hair-just-does-this-naturally-but-looks-really-good waves.