If I’m honest I’ve lucked out with my diet, namely because it’s entitled ‘The Wine Diet’ yes, but also because I try and eat well anyway so it’s not too wildly different to what I eat now. The basis of it is a Mediterranean style diet so lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, oily fish, nut oils and lean meat whilst cutting down on sugar and refined flour (otherwise known as ‘empty calories’). Add in the recommended 1-4 glasses of wine per day (!) and I’m laughing.

So yes, so far so similar. The thing is now that I’m so acutely aware of what I’m eating on a daily basis I’m shocked at how often I go to reach for the croissants at a beauty launch or a chocolate bar come 4pm. It’s all a matter of discipline though and making myself aware of just how pointless sugar-laden snacks really are. I won’t deny there have been a couple of slip ups (sometimes an ice cold can of coke hits the spot like nothing else) but generally I’ve been impressed with how good I’ve been at filling my body with the good stuff. Oh and the wine helps a lot.