We want to start 2016 with a positive goal. There are so many extreme challenges and wacky trends around, that it’s unappealing to get sucked into another unattainable regime. I mean really, who’s got the time (or the will) to get a six-pack, run an ultramarathon every month or become a professional street dancer - ok, we do like the idea of that one. Next year...

In the meantime, Facebook founder, CEO and all-round whiz-kid Mark Zuckerberg has proposed a slightly more attainable challenge to the masses, that will help to keep us on track and healthy this year. He has decided that this will be ‘the year of running’ and to run 365 miles this year.

On his Facebook group he says: ‘This is a lot of running, but it's not a crazy amount. It’s a mile a day, and at a moderate pace it’s less than 10 minutes of running per day.’


The 31-year-old has recruited over 80,000 members already and team ELLE are among them. So why not join us? We’ll be documenting the sweat, hills and laughs as we run through the year and we want you to do the same.

Pledge to meet the miles and let’s just do it. Tweet us @ELLEFitTeam with your sweaty selfies.