I struggle to remember the last time someone asked me how I am and I didn’t say, ‘Great… Tired, but really good.' And all my friends are the same: we’re always so tired and so busy. It’s a vicious cycle but there must be a solution to our fatigue epidemic. 

Our fast paced lives added to our insistence on taking our iPhones to the bathroom with us mean that we are essentially never unplugged. It’s difficult to switch off. But help is at hand. Nutritional therapist Natalie Lamb gave us her top tips on how to combat fatigue.

  • You are what you eat. How you feel during your waking hours hinges greatly on how well you sleep at night, so be sure to eat regular meals with plenty of wholefoods throughout the day so your body’s metabolism is in balance, hunger pangs will make it very difficult to fall asleep!
  • Monitor your caffeine intake. Limit caffeinated drinks throughout the day, and try not to consume caffeine for the few hours leading up to sleep.
  • Tune out. Turn off all wifi, screens and phones at least thirty minutes before sleep. Not only does all this technology prevent us from ‘switching off’, the bright light affects our melatonin levels, throwing our natural circadian rhythms way off course. 
  • Schedule your showers. Let your body return to its normal body temperature thirty minutes before sleep. I.e. hot showers and baths earlier in the evening.
  • Get moving. Try to ensure you do some form of exercise and get fresh air every day. Try to exercise earlier in the day, when energy levels tend to be higher and workouts more productive.
  • Keep calm. Mindfulness and relaxation, such as yoga in the evening should help to slow down metabolism and increase serotonin levels.
  • Channel your inner yogi. Mindfulness and relaxation, such as yoga in the evening, should help to slow down metabolism and increase serotonin levels (vital in the production of melatonin our ‘relaxation hormone’).
  • Look after your gut by taking a multi-strain probiotic which could help you to naturally achieve a good, restful night’s sleep, as it has been shown to aid gut function and support a healthy gut flora, which could in turn help your body to produce additional melatonin, vital for a good night’s sleep.