Google has designed a new tool which aims to help those suffering from depression. In partnership with the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), the initiative will present users with a self-assessment test when they search questions related to clinical depression.

Known as PHQ-9, the tool is a clinically approved method of screening for depression and is used by the NHS. Though it is not advised to self-diagnose, the questionnaire will hopefully encourage users to see their GP when faced with mental health issues.

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The global search engine hopes the new tool will help to raise awareness of depression

In a statement on the website, NAMI wrote: 'Clinical depression is a very common condition - in fact, approximately one in five Americans experience an episode in their lifetime. To help raise awareness of the condition, we've teamed up with Google to help provide more direct access to tools and information to people who may be suffering.'

The tool is currently only available for users in the US but will hopefully be rolled out in the UK if proven successful.

From: Harper's BAZAAR UK