‘I’ve decided to take up streaking,’ I told my boyfriend six weeks ago. ‘Erm, excuse me? You what?’ he replied, panic creeping across his face. Streak running is not what it sounds like, but I admit I was going for the shock factor when I told him in a roundabout way. For a start, there’s no nudity (sports bras are worn for a reason). Put simply, it’s running one mile every day. No breaks, not even to allow for hangovers or mild to moderate illness.

I stumbled across runeveryday.com and felt an affinity for the (perhaps a little crazy) group of people who do just that. For years. So I thought – sign me up. For £13, I became an Associate Member.

I have to, without fail, run a mile a day, outside or on a treadmill, and log it somewhere (I tweet, @amylawrenson). Once I’ve clocked 365 days, I’ll be added to the International Streak List. A quick perusal of both active and retired lists revealed that no woman in the UK, or even Europe, has made it on to the list. So, £13 down, I’m now the first UK woman to attempt streak running.

You might ask why not just run the standard three times a week? Fitness aside (seven miles a week is not to be sniffed at), it gives me a little time each day to think about what I need to do or how the dayhas gone. Oh, and I’m competitive. I feel like I might actually make it to day 365 especially since I'm now past the half way mark (as I type this I'm about to embark on my 189th consecutive run). Especially when you compare it to Mark Covert’s record of the longest US running streak – he only just retired last month on his 45th anniversary. I’ve got a long way to go to match that...

Are you tempted to take up streak running? Tweet us @ELLEukrunning or drop me a line @amylawrenson

Pictured: Lorna Jane Running Sock, £10 at Active in Style