Safe exposure to the sun is important to help the body make vitamin D, however too much sun puts us at higher risk of cellular damage and in the most serious cases, melanomas.

According to Cancer Research UK Around 90% of non-melanoma skin cancer cases are associated with exposure to UV radiation from the sun. Avoiding scorched skin is about to become easier though, with the help of  L'Oréal’s new My UV Patch.

The stretchable, flexible, waterproof patch will be launching this summer through beauty brand, La-Roche Posay and is said to contain photosensitive dyes that change colour when exposed to UV rays. Once your patch has changed colour, you simply take a photo of it, upload it to the accompanying My UV Patch app for an accurate read of your sun exposure levels.

Although we’re clued up about sun damage (a recent study showed 94% Britons are aware that unprotected skin can cause health problems) only 12% of us protect our skin year round.

With the new My UV Patch,  L'Oréal are leveraging technology to help incite a true behavioural change through real-time knowledge. We applaud that!