For the home team, we have the Madcap Dressers. Led by widely emulated Style Bubble founder Susie Lau, these are the fashion students who throw on optical-print tees, fluoro plaid flannels, floral headdresses, plus a googly-eyed beanie hat and a stapler on a necklace for good measure.

Then there's the Editor Establishment. You'll recognise them from their white jeans, navy blue jumpers and glossy manes. Never ones to wear the same stealth-wealth handbag two days in a row, they're the kinds of people with custom shoe trees built into their wardrobes (the better to protect all that Prada by, darling). This is a very international clique, but isn’t without strong home-grown representation.

Both approaches are in evidence in our London Fashion Week street style gallery. Take a look here and let us know: who does it best?