In a country where more than a third of adults are not getting enough sleep, the benefits of napping are becoming increasingly apparent, with research showing a mid-afternoon snooze to increase productivity and boost overall health.

Now, a new study has revealed napping to have yet another advantage: it makes us happy.

Nap happy

Scientists at the University of Hertfordshire asked more than 1,000 people to rate their happiness and whether they napped throughout the day. Participants were then organised into three groups: non-nappers, short nappers (sleeping for 30 minutes or less) and long nappers (sleeping for half an hour or more).

It was found that two thirds (approximately 67%) of the short nappers reported being happy, compared to just 56% of long nappers and 60% of non-nappers. Psychologist Professor Richard Wiseman, who carried out the research, said:

"Previous research has shown that naps of under 30 minutes make you more focused, productive and creative, and these new findings suggest the tantalising possibility that you can also become happier by just taking a short nap."

He added:

"Similarly longer napping is associated with several health risks and again, this is in line with our results."

Additionally, it was discovered that 43% of those aged 18 to 30 are taking longer naps at some point in during the day as opposed to 30% of those aged over 50.

Short naps vs. long sleeps

This research adds to the body of evidence suggesting that shorter 'power' naps are more beneficial to overall function than longer periods of sleep. Indeed, a previous study carried out by the American space agency NASA found that taking a 26-minute nap boosted alertness by 54%, while frequent hour-long naps were concluded to be associated with an 82% increased risk of heart disease.

However, despite studies repeatedly reinforcing the benefits of napping, it has still not become an accepted way of life in the UK and – although afternoon siestas are widespread throughout Europe – just 11% of those taking part in this latest study said they were allowed to nap at work. Touching on this topic, Professor Wiseman added:

"A large body of research shows that short naps boost performance. Many highly successful companies, such as Ben & Jerry's and Google, have installed dedicated nap spaces, and employees need to wake up to the upside of napping at work."

The new research will be presented at the Edinburgh International Science Festival next week.

From: Netdoctor