Ivanka Trump recently gave an interview about her role in Donald Trump's administration, during which she argued that everyone should stop accusing her of being complicit since no one *really* knows what's she's doing. Hm.

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Unsurprisingly, people—including Scarlett Johansson—are not satisfied by that response. While speaking to Arianna Huffington at New York City's Women in the World Summit, the actress said she is "so disappointed" by Trump's interview—specifically her claim that she could make a positive impact behind closed doors.

"If you take a job as a public advocate, then you must advocate publicly," Johansson said. "How old fashioned, this idea that behind a great man is a great woman. What about being in front of that person or next to that person?! ...She has an opportunity to really make a big impact just by being vocal..."

According to EW, the actress also added "It's such an old-fashioned concept that to be a powerful woman you can't appear to be concerned [with appearances]. Screw that, it's so old-fashioned, it's so uninspired and actually really cowardly."

Watch the interview below:

From: Marie Claire US