Johnny Depp is blaming his former business managers for his financial troubles after claiming they owed him $25 million for "gross mismanagement" of his funds back in January.

"Why didn't they drop me as a client if I was so out of control?" the actor told The Wall Street Journal. "I've worked very, very hard for a lot of years and trusted a lot of people, some who've clearly let me down."

Depp has been accused of living an overly flamboyant lifestyle, including spending $75 million on 14 homes, owning 45 luxury cars, a private jet and a yacht, and employing an entourage of 40 full-time personal staff, costing him $10 million a year. The actor is also said to have spent $3 million on a specially-made canon from which he fired the ashes of his friend, Hunter S Thompson.

"Depp now admits to his extravagant spending but blames The Management Group for not dropping him as a client," David Shane, a spokesperson for the group told the Associated Press. They also stated that Depp was involved in every significant decision during the 17 years he was a client.

"It's my money," Depp told The Wall Street Journal. "If I want to buy 15,000 cotton balls a day, it's my thing."

From: Esquire UK