Early Wednesday morning, President Trump's Twitter account posted a curious typo: "Despite the constant negative press covfefe." Social media took the mishap and ran with it, as users cracked jokes, worried about the president's condition, and of course asked: What is "covfefe?"

Though the original "covfefe" tweet was later deleted, the president spent the rest of the day tweeting and, of course, playing the whole incident off as a joke:

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He also fired off some tweets regarding the Democratic party, and especially one aimed at former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton:

The tweet is presumably in regard to this New York Magazine profile of Clinton, wherein she shares her thoughts on her campaign, her state of mind post-election, and America's current political atmosphere. But Clinton's Twitter account is plenty active these days too, and she (or an associate) fired off a snappy retort:

"People in covfefe houses shouldn't throw covfefe" doesn't, on its own, make a lick of sense. But within the funhouse mirror of modern political Twitter, this is what counts as an on-point clapback.

Given the president's penchant for paying attention to everything that's written about him, it truly wouldn't be that surprising if he or his team formulated his own response in the morning. He is clearly capable of balancing these kinds of concerns with other obligations; when he wasn't tweeting about "covfefe" or the Democrats, he was giving appropriately formal updates on his actual job:

From: Cosmopolitan US