The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood

I first read The Handmaid's Tale at university. At the time, I was becoming more aware of modern feminism, and this book helped me question the role of women in society today. It saddened me that there was so much relatable truth in the story, and that we still really need feminism as much now, to overcome similar difficulties to the women in the book. I've reread it since graduating, and although the truth in the book's themes still angers me, it never fails to leave me feeling reflective but empowered.

Which book by a female author has shaped your life? ELLE Book Club partner, the Baileys Women's Prize for Fiction, wants to know.

Tweet an image of you and your #ThisBook via Twitter. The ones that appear most will be part of the #ThisBook Top 20, announced July 2014.

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Read the 2014 Baileys Women's Prize for Fiction Shortlist here

Read an extract from 2014 Baileys Prize shortlisted Burial Rites by Hannah Kent