If you were planning on doing anything remotely useful with your day then give it up right now, because Google Maps are on a mission to destroy your productivity after transforming their usual site into a real-life version of Pac-Man.

Yes this has actually happened. Some days you just wake up and the internet is on fire.

Okay, so it has been added especially for April Fools Day but this isn't a joke. You can actually be wacca-wacca-ing all over your local area thanks to the awesome new function designed by Google whizzes.

If you fancy rendering your day completely usless then all you need to do is head over to the usual Google Maps page and look out for the Pac Man symbol in the lower left corner of the screen.

Once clicked, the function will turn your usual street map into the classic retro video game, allowing Pac Man do his thang with Pinky, Blinky, Inky and Clyde all over whatever location you happen to have popped into the address bar.

It's even got the proper 80s music and sound effects to make sure you can drive everyone at your desk as absolutely crazy as possible. 

Please do let us know what your high score is and we will try and whip your ass because we probably won't be doing much else today. We're on Twitter @ELLEuk.

From the editors of Cosmopolitan.co.uk

From: Cosmopolitan UK