Last October, we worked with advertising agency Mother to launch the #MakeThemPay campaign, highlighting the shocking gender inequality still present in UK salaries. We encouraged you to ask male colleagues who did the same job what they earned, and to work out exactly what the average pay gap meant for you in hard cash. We earned your support – and that of the Prime Minister, David Cameron. 

Depressingly though, according to new figures, the pay gap is actually still a yawning pay chasm. In fact, four decades since the Equal Pay Act was passed, female bosses are still only earning three quarters as much as their male counterparts (according to new data from National Management Salary Survey, published annually by the CMI and employment lawyers XpertHR).

Although hearteningly, figures have shown young women are roughly earning the same as men their age, it has been revealed that the pay gap tends to widen the higher up the position in the organisation. What is even more striking is that when the figures are put into context, it means that women would have to work until the age of 80 to catch-up to the earnings of their male colleagues.

What can we do? Join the conversation on Twitter, supporting the campaign with #MakeThemPay, and visit to encourage your company to sign up to Think, Act, Report, a government initiative encouraging companies to be transparent about actions they are taking to tackle gender equality issues.

Tell us your views at #ELLEfeminism