Four months and eighteen bridal appointments have been boiled down to two dresses; a Carolina Herrera at Browns and a Phillipa Lepley.

What happens next?

They are both dramatic and exquisite. They are both wildly over budget. They both make me feel fantastic. And I’m dragging my feet waiting for the lightning bolt moment that will never come. In the next few days I’m going to have to plump for one of them apropos of nothing and then the bridal die will be cast and we can move on to the next thing on the list. At last.

I even briefly considered visiting a psychic to see if they knew the answer. That is over the top, right?

On Monday I visit each dress for a third time (poor Sam at Browns and Sally at Lepley, they have been so patient, not even a roll of the eye as I peer through the glass once more...). And then I’ll know, won’t I?