It is no secret at this point, that Bella Hadid is having a moment. If she's not working the red carpet at Cannes in a multitude of incredible dresses (I mean that red Dior look), she's flying all over the world to show her face at various other glamorous engagements.

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Well, luckily for us, one of those glamorous engagements happened to be in London, where she was promoting her debut fashion line with LA based label Chrome Hearts.

Here we meet with Bella to chat through her new collection, plus all manner of other 90s fashion memories and why exactly she isn't afraid of a red carpet risk.

Bella Hadid x Chrome Heartspinterest
Bella Hadid x Chrome Hearts

Here are eight things we learnt from our new pal Bella:

1. She's got some hidden talents

She hand sketched her own designs for her debut collection with Chrome Hearts.

2. She's that 'borrower' friend

The Hadids and The Starks (the founders of Chrome Hearts) go way way back. Current designer of the brand Jesse Jo and Bella grew up together as best friends.

'I had my first hoody when I was 11-years-old,' says Bella. 'And I made holes for my thumbs and wore it every day. I am very fortunate that I didn't have buy a lot of my own stuff, I'm a very good 'borrower' from my sister and Jesse Jo.'

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Bella Hadid x Chrome Hearts

3. She really, really, really likes Rihanna.

'I would kill for some people to wear my designs! Rihanna comes to mind, I mean whenever I think about who would look good in this, Rihanna just always comes to mind.'

Bella's fave piece in the collection is the leopard print harness jacket, by the way.

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Bella Hadid x Chrome Hearts

4. She wants fashion to be inclusive

Bella made sure there is something in the collection for everyone, from the LA staple fringed leather jacket, to cute 'B' beanies embossed with the Chrome Hearts fleur de lis cross emblem.

5. She thinks fashion is for risk taking

'That's the most fun thing about it!,' proclaims Bella. 'People think it's scandalous, but I love making statement – not that they have to be sexy or sexual, but things just make me feel good and confident.'

Bella Hadid x Chrome Heartspinterest
Bella Hadid x Chrome Hearts

6. She still gets nervous on the red carpet

'It can get really overwhelming doing red carpet and interviews,' she says, ' I immediately start sweating and I get panic attacks. At the ELLE Style Awards I was SO nervous and I am getting better at feeling less nervous about interviews now, but I just try to make it like we are having a conversation.'

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Bella Hadid x Chrome Hearts

7. There's one guy she's desperate to work with

Virgil Abloh is the one designer she is desperate to work with: 'I look up to him like a brother, he's like a best friend to me. First and foremost, his brain works 40 times the speed of any of our, he is designing things every single day – it would be super cool to collaborate with him.'

8. She's a big time animal lover

If she hadn't turned to modelling you would probably find her back in the barn riding her horses.

The Bella Hadid x Chrome Hearts collection is exclusive to Selfridges and available to shop now.