It's easy to assume that most models are genetically blessed with clear skin. Heck, we see them papped out and about with complexions we could only dream of having, and that's post facial.

But that's not always the case, as model Adwoa Aboah proved with her most recent Instagram post. Whilst we're used to seeing her skin up close and personal, plastered on billboards and glossy magazines, just a few hours ago Adwoa shared an altogether more intimate image of her skin.

In the photos, Adwoa shows some blemishes on her face, accompanying it with a heartfelt caption about her relationship with her complexion to her 807k followers.

'In honour of our monthly theme of ‘Skin and Body’, I will be posting from a personal project that I have been creating for the last 2/3 years. Only ever meant for my eyes in order to obsessively scrutinise over my up and down battle with my skin. Some days it was acne, some days it wasn’t too bad, then mass breakouts followed by clear as day skin.'

'It was exhausting never knowing what your skin was going to look like from one day to another, it was even more exhausting caring so much, about what work thought or if people noticed. Constantly apologising whilst sat in front of a mirror for something that was out of my control, obsessing over my skin to a point that was very unhealthy at the best of times.'

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'This month as much as I can I will be posting those photos, not because my skin is the worst you’ve ever seen but because it feels time to let that shit go, time to join force with a community who bare their pimples for the world to see.'

Comments from fans flooded in, praising Adwoa for her openness and transparency about how she really feels.

'It's like you've been with me this past few weeks, your story resonates so much right now. I thank you for continuing to inspire and for having the strength to share your stories. Big love,' said one.

'Reading this makes me feel so much better and “normal”! I have so many pictures of my skin over the years because the obsession is real- not knowing if one week I’ll be riddled with acne or the next fresh and bright. It is my obsession and my total downfall for years. Making me question wether I’m good enough to do what I’m doing because of my skin. Crazy. Thank you for sharing 🙏🏻🙏🏻,' said another.

It's amazing to see someone with so much influence championing this positive message, and it reinforces that the 'perfection' we're so used to seeing on social media isn't ever the full story.

We all get sucked into the images we see on our screens, but it's important to know that the standard social media sets is unrealistic - so much so, that it even effects those who are on the other side of it.

So, be kinder to yourself, to your skin, and keep in mind that everyone - even celebs - are going through something.

From: Cosmopolitan UK