For Millie Bobby Brown, this September sees the beginning of year 9. Arguably the best school year of any Brit's life.

Old enough to hang out with your mates at parks or go to the cinema without the parents, but before all the hideous trappings of teenagehood like GCSEs, A levels and hideous Glen's vodka binge-drinking…don't lie, we know you did it.

And the Stranger Things Actress brought all the back-to-school optimism to the new Converse advert.

Titled 'First Day Feels' (SO down with kids guys), the video sees Millie experiencing the ever-tumultuous 'feels' of your young teens - angst, sass, hilarity and more.

'Day one can be unpredictable', she says in that adorable British accent before going through a minute of eye-rolling and desk-kicking. 'First day feels. Bring it' she concludes.

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Though however childish the actress may act, we know she is wise beyond her years.

Brown has recently launched a 'positive' Twitter account to combat online hate.

The bio for @MillieStopsHate reads, 'I want this account to share love and positivity. let's stop bullying'.

The account shares almost daily replies to the Tweets the account receives, giving messages of strength and positivity.

Since being in the public eye since she was only 11-years-old, the actress (and singer), has been embraced by the fashion and music world with a Calvin Klein ad under her belt.

As well as a cameo in The XX's music video.

Is she not the coolest 13 year-old you have ever come across?

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