Mindy Kaling is currently doing the rounds promoting her new movie, Ocean's 8. For actors, promoting a movie means doing interview after interview after interview and, with an ensemble like Ocean's 8, it's not uncommon for at least some of those interviews to be done in groups.

Kaling was in a joint interview with co-stars Anne Hathaway and Sarah Paulson when she encountered a head-scratchingly sexist (/just plain clueless) question.

She described the awkward encounter during an interview on Late Night with Seth Meyers.

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"When you're doing these heist movies, everyone has their special power, which is why Debbie Ocean pulls us together to do this heist," Kaling explained.

"In the movie, Anne plays an actress and Sarah plays a party promoter. With me, the male reporter was like, 'Mindy, you play a jeweller. Now, you're not married and you've never been engaged, so how do you know about diamonds?'"

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Meyers rightly pointed out that, you know, that's not how acting works. After all, none of the women in the movie have ever pulled off a heist in real life and, yet, they were cast to pretend to do just that on camera.

"[The reporter] was basically like, 'You're a famous spinster…you'd never been near a diamond before,'" Kaling continued.

"So if you're not married or engaged, you've never seen a diamond. He was so incredulous. He couldn't put it together. He was basically like, 'No man has ever loved you!'"

See incredible single woman Mindy Kaling fake her way through knowing what a diamond is for yourself when Ocean's 8 is released on June 8.

From: Marie Claire US
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Kayleigh Roberts
Kayleigh Roberts is the weekend editor at Cosmo, focused on celebrity news and royals. She’s a Ravenclaw who would do great things in Slytherin. To learn more about her, google “Leslie Knope eating salad GIF.”