The moment has arrived, Little Monsters! The first trailer for Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper's remake of A Star Is Born has arrived, and it's really a doozy. Our story begins with Jackson Maine (Bradley), a folksy singer who I can only assume is an alcoholic because he's got that signature red face. Eventually, Jackson meets Ally (Gaga), and of course has his life changed by her dulcet tones. (The movie asks you to believe that someone with the singing voice of Bradley Cooper has become famous for singing before someone with the voice of Stefani Germanotta, which, LOL.)

Anyway, Jackson convinces Ally that she should stop listening to the haters because she's beautiful and can sing, and thus — you knew this was coming — a star is born. Lots of drama ensues, of course, because becoming famous is never pleasant, at least when it happens in the movies. Ally smashes stuff on the wall! Jackson drinks! Somebody gets punched! Dave Chappelle is there!

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A Star Is Born hits theaters Oct. 5.

From: Cosmopolitan US
Headshot of Eliza Thompson
Eliza Thompson
senior entertainment editor

I’m the senior entertainment editor at, which means my DVR is always 98 percent full. I love romance novels, bourbon, and canceling plans so I can watch Lost for the 50th time.