If you missed your chance to travel to Japan for their famed cherry blossom season, don't worry—an even better batch of blooming flowers is about to arrive to the country, and you won't want to miss it. Starting in late April into May, Japanese wisteria flowers begin to sprout in all kinds of colours like blue, pink, purple, and white.

The best part about this bright, bendy plant is its flexibility, which means it can be turned into technicolor tunnels for tourists and locals alike to walk through, examine close-up, and snap colourful photos of that'll surely break your Instagram 'likes' personal record. Not that you care anything about that, of course.

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Although wisteria flowers can technically be found in North America, they're actually considered an invasive species because they aren't native to this continent. Because of this, wisteria flowers in America often aren't as impressive or bountiful as the OG wisteria in Japan.

If you can't scrape together enough to get a plane ticket to see the sights, there are still ways to see the gorgeous flowers in America. You can head to New York City's Central Park or Pennsylvania's Longwood Gardens to take in the colourful spring flowers, or even try to turn your own backyard into a wisteria wonderland by purchasing bulbs and seeds online or from other stores.

From: House Beautiful US