Last night, following the real Donald Trump's "apology" after tape of him making lewd comments about grabbing women "by the pussy" leaked, Alec Baldwin did his own, most perfect "apple-agy" as Trump on SNL.

The show cold-opened with a bit on last week's vice-presidential debate, which gets interrupted by a CNN special report on Trump responding to the tape. The schtick is pretty spot on, "Come on, Brooke, I was trying to look cool. What normal, red-blooded American doesn't want to impress the Billy Bush," Baldwin says, and as CNN lists the republicans have have rescinded their Trump endorsements, he has Trumpiest retorts: John McCain, "coward"; Carly Fiorina,"she's a four"; Mike Crapo ,"More like Crap-o."

We even get a shot of Hillary Clinton's reaction (played by Kate McKinnon) to Trump's offensive comments from her campaign headquarters.

It all begins at the 1:50 mark:

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