Those familiar with Jenna Dewan Tatum's dancing career know that she once worked as a backup dancer for artists including Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake. In case you need photographic evidence, here she is dancing on stage at the 2002 Grammy Awards with Justin in his pre-solo days, ie. when he was still a member of *NSYNC.

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During Sunday's Watch What Happens Live With Andy Cohen, Jenna reflected a little bit about her career as a backup dancer and revealed that she and JT were briefly involved. "Um, yeah, we dated," she said, noting that the relationship was "not that long" and that it happened long after he and Britney Spears broke up for good. "We were like friends, friends that dated." And no, despite the timing, Jenna was not rebound material for JT. "I was very clear not to be…"

During the same interview on Sunday, Jenna also cleared the air about the dance-off scene between Brit and JT from Lifetime's Britney Ever After movie. "It never happened, people, no! It was in tabloids and everyone thought this happened. I really wish I could say that happened, because that would be the coolest story in the world! It would be so awesome," she said, adding that she still gets asked about it all the time. "I don't know what they're talking about. That was made up by Us Weekly." Burn, but also, good to know.

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From: Cosmopolitan US