On Game of Thrones, members of the Night's Watch are seen as a band of misfits who fight nobly, protect Westeros from white walkers, and apparently go shopping at big-box furniture stores. A costume designer for Game of Thrones revealed that members of the Night's Watch are actually wearing rugs from IKEA as they take on the winter.

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During a talk at the Getty Museum in Los Angeles, Michele Clapton, who designed the costumes for Seasons One through Five and returned for this season, revealed the secret about the Night's Watch furs. "These capes are actually IKEA rugs," she said, to applause. "We take anything we can. We cut, and then we shaved them, and then we added strong leather straps, and breakdown, which is like a religion on Game of Thrones." Breakdown, according to BuzzFeed, is making the capes look aged, which can mean using dye or sandpaper. You can watch her discuss the process at about the 27-minute mark.

White, Fur, Beige, Fur clothing, Wool, pinterest

It's not clear which IKEA rug Clapton went with, but Quartz speculates it could be the Tejn, or the Rens, which is made of real sheepskin. Either way, they're supposed to look very much lived in by the time they show up on screen. "I want the audience to almost smell the costumes," Clapton said. These days, Jon Snow has upgraded his wardrobe to reflect his King in the North status, and it looks like his new robes aren't quite IKEA. Maybe they're West Elm.

Cloak, Fur, Cape, Fell, Costume design, Costume, Mantle, Shawl, Fur clothing, Natural material, pinterest
Jon Snow
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From: Esquire US