Whether it's the sudden burst of caffeine first thing in the morning or a pick-me-up shot of espresso to cure that 3pm slump, coffee is our go-to ammunition to help us get through the day.

But, it's not always easy to enjoy a good 'cup of joe' without being reminded of its harmful and addictive qualities from non-coffee drinkers. 

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So, how do we distinguish what's true and what's codswallop?

The Times Newspaper very handily conducted some essential research and interviews, to help us further educate a nation that drinks 2.2 billion cups of coffee a year. 

1. Coffee does not mean cancer

According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), there is no link between coffee drinking and cancer.

In fact, the monthly medical journal The Lancet Oncology has found evidence that drinking caffeine could help reduce the occurrence of certain cancers such as liver and cancer of the womb.

2. Drink coffee under 65 Degrees Celcius

Any drink – be it coffee, hot chocolate, green tea etc – shoud not be drunk at a temperature higher than 65C, as it could pose a risk of oesophageal cancer. 

The answer?

Wait four minutes for hot drinks to cool or add cold milk. Simple.

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3. Caffeine may reduce diabetes

According to The TimesThe Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee in the US found that drinking up too 3-5 cups of coffee a day (400mg) may reduce cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.

The UK's Institute for Scientific Information on Coffee found that 3-4 cups decreases the likelihood of type 2 diabetes by approximately 25 per cent compared with non-coffee drinkers. 

Take that herbal tea.

4. There's a magic number of coffee cups

It's 3-5 cups a day (8oz) for optimal health, according to professor of nutrition Dr Miriam Nelson.

Perfect excuse to pour another cup. Go on, it's for your health remember. 

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5. Coffee is a whole food

Yes, you read that correctly. 

Coffee comes from the seed of a berry (and not the devil, as you'd be forgiven for believing from all the coffee-hating hype) so as long as you're not adding a handful of chocolate sprinkles, full-fat milk and whipped cream to it then it's actually quite good for you.

Opt for low-fat, almost or soy milk to help maintain its healthy properties.

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6. Coffee does NOT damage your bones or hair

Contrary to common belief, coffee does not take calcium from your bones or inhibit iron absorption. #winning 

7. Avoid light roasted instant coffee

According to the US Food and Drug Administration, it has the highest levels of the potentially harmful chemical acrylamide, commonly found in crisp and chips, which may lead to several types of cancer and neurological damage. 

8. Coffee drinkers are less likely to develop Parkinson's disease

Those who drink three cups of caffeinated coffee a day are less likely to develop Parkinson's, according to fellow of the Royal College of General Practitioners, Dr Sarah Jarvis.

The chemical compound EHT found in coffee is currently being looked into as a treatment for Parkinson's and coffee has been found to potentially reduce a protein called amyloid beta found in dementia.

So there you have it, a few cups of coffee aren't so bad after all.

Disclaimer: drinking coffee does not promise a body like Alessandra Ambrosio's. After all, it' not magic juice. 

Disclaimer number two: adding milk can reduce or eliminate some of coffee's better qualities, so try to have at least one of your daily coffees black. 

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Katie O'Malley
Site Director

Katie O'Malley is the Site Director on ELLE UK. On a daily basis you’ll find Katie managing all digital workflow, editing site, video and newsletter content, liaising with commercial and sales teams on new partnerships and deals (eg Nike, Tiffany & Co., Cartier etc), implementing new digital strategies and compiling in-depth data traffic, SEO and ecomm reports. In addition to appearing on the radio and on TV, as well as interviewing everyone from Oprah Winfrey to Rishi Sunak PM, Katie enjoys writing about lifestyle, culture, wellness, fitness, fashion, and more.