The queen of the high, long ponytail just chopped all that hair off—and removed any extensions. Ariana Grande casually unveiled a new lob haircut on Twitter and Instagram today, burying the lede caption about her eyebrows. Can't fool us!

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Grande has played with her hair color this year, going between a long platinum wig and her natural brunette color. She's also tried blunt bangs in the past too.

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But this is Grande's first time this year dramatically changing her length. Does this mean farewell to the pony? With the help of extensions and wigs, likely not. Grande recently opened up to Camila Cabello about how painful the hairstyle is. When Cabello tweeted Grande that doing a high ponytail hurt her head, Grande replied: 'well u actually have hair so that prolly makes it a lil more painful ..... nah jk i’m in constant pain always and don’t care at all.'

Cabello replied that she had to take it off, and Grande tweeted back, 'awwww so happy for u, u still feel things. MUST BE NICE *crying and smiling*'

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